Santa says ” Balds Have More Fun”.
Here You thought it was only the Blondes that Have More Fun. Nope. Wrong!
Santa’s Baldhead is smooth and bare but there’s lots of glitter in what’s left of the hair.
He’s one jolly guy with a twinkle in his eye. Doesn’t take much to understand why. The man’s got an Elf Crew and Reindeer that Fly!
Nothing plain about Santa’s monochrome look because Bald is Beautiful in our book!
The silver buckles on his boots are made of sterling silver. How’s that for value? What ?!
Nope, Wrong again. Just kidding. It’s silver paint but I made you look.
No really, any bald man in your life would love to open one as a gift you know it’s true.
Order his today and make him smile.
Don’t you want to follow me somewhere? Like Jimmy Buffet sang in Come Monday-“With you, I’d walk anywhere “. Still my favorite line by him. Anyway come follow me here
I’d love to see you again. Do you feel the same?
last one I promise. I just don’t want to lose you. Don’t leave me. I need you. You complete me.