

 There is No Limit to what you CAN DO! 

Let’s be a Part of Manhattan TOGETHER!

The Disability Ally NYC -Manhattan gives you all the News, Events, Programs, Birthday Venues, and even Reviews from someone who actually lives here in the city. To clarify The Disability Ally NYC-Manhattan is One Place with All the Details you want to know. We have the” Ultimate List of Activities for YOU.” No more hours of research, endless phone calls, asking about accommodations, and wondering if a program takes People who have Disabilities. I primarily focus on various intellectual and learning disabilities here but advocate for people with any type of disability all over the World. Your Web Search Stops Here.

The Disability Ally NYC-One Place All the Details-Manhattan website was created in Manhattan for Manhattan. I did this because I understand. Moreover, I know You are Busy. Grandma is Busy. Kids are Busy. Crazy Aunt Char is Busy. Even the Cat is Busy in this City! This is life in NYC. So, I have done the calls, the schlepping, and all the research for YOU, giving you time to get back to that book you have been trying to finish for six months now. The Disability Ally NYC-Manhattan is loaded specifically with lots of Activities, Books, Movies, Museums, Theaters, and even Restaurants that have ACCESSIBILITY in mind. More importantly, these places want to INCLUDE You and or Your Children regardless of Disabilities.

Now you are probably wondering…. yes sounds great, The Disability Ally NYC-Manhattan-she sounds legit, but can I trust her? Who does this woman think she is? I’m Keith Hernandez. No, Not Really just a little Seinfeld Humor. Because we can’t talk about anything New York without a Seinfeld reference or two. Truthfully, you can learn more about my background by taking me out to dinner. Wink, Wink. But for now, I’ll settle for you by looking at the About Me tab in the header menu. Fuhgeddaboutit- Let’s make this easy for both of us and click here


To say nothing of coming up with a website idea during the Co-Vid 19 Pandemic would be a mistake. A ” Big Mistake, Big. Huge” Julia Roberts-Pretty Woman. Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. During this time I realized that Manhattan has a whole host of various entities for the Disability Community. Situations that bolster inclusion, compassion, acceptance, and understanding. I want to make all of you acutely aware of all the possibilities that are out there waiting for you. Additionally, there will be a short video platform. Members of the disabled population can showcase their personalities along with their talents. In effect, the platform will illuminate the diversity of Manhattan, NY in a remarkable light.

In essence, The Disability Ally NYC -Manhattan will be the eyes and ears of Manhattan’s growing and ever-changing disability community. With this in mind, I need you to know Just how much it means to me that you are here. Please enjoy this tune that so eloquently expresses my feelings.

Ready to go on an adventure with me?

The Disability Ally NYC – One Place All the Details -Manhattan

Special Needs NYC- All the Details One Place-Manhattan
Grand Central Terminal-The Disability Ally  NYC-Manhattan

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