Center for All Abilities- Chinatown

Family Support-Center for All Abilities

Do you think it would be FUN to go with other families like yours on a Family Outing? Yeah, Me too! The Center for All Abilities offers Family Support for those with a member who has a disability. Everything you could’ve ever dreamed of is housed within this one organization.

First, let me begin with the youth mentorship program. Adults lead Christian Based discussions on virtues and character-building behaviors. These can be done as a group or one-on-one. Guidance to lead us on the right path to a quality life is always good. Am I right?

Of course, the Center for All Abilities also offers therapeutic art and music programs. The beauty of both of these is that a certified trained therapist will meet you at your level of expertise. No pressure or need to worry if you don’t feel you’re that creative. They are there to help. No judgments just good times.

Ultimately the center hopes you’ll choose to become part of their family support programs for those with all sorts of disabilities. I say this because I saved the best for last. They have an Annual Achievement Ceremony! You know the one with the awards and you are beaming all day. That’s right. Every single year they like to celebrate what you and your new friends have accomplished throughout the programs.

Read more with a click.

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Did you know that Amazon is also now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

YAI Network- Midtown East Headquarters &Various other locations

Manhattan Disability Services-YAI Network

Hey Manhattan Friends, did you know there is an amazing place in town called the YAI Network? No? Me either! I’m so glad I stumbled across them in an Accessibility Meeting one afternoon. YAI specializes in Disability Services for all five boroughs of Manhattan. YAI stands for the Young Adult Institute. Given the fact that their motto is “seeing beyond disability,” I think they might be after my heart! Once I started looking at their website I knew that I must tell you guys about them straightaway.

To begin with, YAI was founded back in 1957 at a small school in Brooklyn. Back then there were only 7 participants now the institute has expanded greatly and has served over 20,000 people with disabilities. Not to mention they have nearly 4000 employees ready to supply the stepping stones for your launch into an independent life. How’s that for a supportive environment?

YAI believes you have the right to live, love, work and learn in our communities just like everyone else. That being said their institute offers a plethora of day and evening programs for those with disabilities. For example, the YAI arts studio on Tuesday nights gives you a chance to flex your creative muscles. In order to help those with Autism brush up on their social skills, there are Social Club meetings. You and I Social Networking is another way to practice engaging with others. By and large, YAI strives to assist you in navigating your own life choices; therefore, they offer Supportive Job Training and Residential Housing Services as well.

Although there might seem a lot of information to take in when visiting their website, YAI has a number to call 212.273.6100. Additionally, there are lots of Youtube videos on the site to help explain how enrollment works into the programs. Support is there when you’re ready. YAI Network will make your dreams come true with their Manhattan Disability Services. You’ll be ready to FLY in no time.

Speaking of Youtube-have you subscribed to my channel yet. Get to it.

Did you know that Amazon is also now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

Have you seen our latest news page yet? Check it out here.

Birch Family Sevices-Chelsea

disability family services manhattan

Disability Family Services in Manhattan are provided by several organizations. One of which is the long-standing organization, Birch Family Services. Before you were even born Birch Family Services was busy empowering and supporting families who have a member with a disability. Not only that they are there from the onset of diagnosis in early childhood all the way through to age 21. At the present time, I’m only going to talk about their New Frontier and Life Skills Programs.

Eventually, there will come a time when you want to learn skills to be part of the workforce here in good old U S of A. Preparation begins long before that first interview with taking courses at Birch and being a part of their community habilitation sessions. Their New Frontier Program gives you the tools to get hired and stay employed for many years to come.

To take things a step further Birch Family Services has residential services that start at age 18. Can you imagine it? Working and living in a safe place that has adult supervision at all times if you need it. Wow! You better not forget about me when your off living your best life. You know I’m just kidding. I wish you nothing but the best in all you do! The moral of the story is that there is a whole host of people ready to assist you once you’re ready to get out there on your own.

Birch Family Services specializes in Disability Family Services in Manhattan and beyond in New York. Check them out and let them help you and your family today.

Hey, have seen any of the fantastic series’ on TV about people with Disabilities? Things they are a-changin’ and it’s ALL GOOD! Check them out here and let me know what you think after watching.

Did you know that Amazon is now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

FLY Center-Upper West Side

young adult social group manhattan

FLY Center has an awesome Young Adult Social Group that features cooking lessons, arts and crafts, community outings, games, and recreational activities. Oh, and how I could I forget, they do Mad Science Projects too!

In other words, you’ll have the time of your life while forming some true and meaningful friendships. Another key point is that the FLY Center likes to keep groups small. No more than 8 people to a session. In order to ensure everything goes according to plan, each gathering is lead by a highly trained professional. Additionally, modifications and supports can be individualized to your specific needs.

Now because the program wants to make sure similar peers are grouped together FLY does a meet and greet with you and your parent/caregiver beforehand. They want to get to know you before you attend and see what exactly your goals are for participation. In the event that you are 14 and older, the Young Adult Social Group is the perfect fit for you. Otherwise, the Raven or Owl group would be more suitable. It should also be noted that children as little as 3 years old are welcome to check out FLY’s Social programming.

So many possibilities so little time. Add FLY Center to your list of growing opportunities. You know me. I’ve got all the info right down below.

Yes, Yes, it’s me again asking if you have signed up for the Special Needs NYC newsletter yet? Come on, Man. Help a Sister Out.

Baby Fingers Learning Center- On the Upper West Side Teaches ASL and then Some!

Special Needs Film-Making class
man holding clapper board
Photo by Martin Lopez on

Ever taken a filmmaking Class here in Manhattan? No? Well, have I got some exciting news for You. Yes, It’s True Baby Fingers Learning Center offers one. I might be wrong but I haven’t heard of any of the other programs that teach filmmaking to those with disabilities. Definitely not here in NYC anyway. So I am already loving that Baby Fingers took the plunge to be the first. Not only that, but you can also learn how to change your accent to become a different character. Furthermore, you can learn how to audition for a part, and create your very own play.

At the present time, Baby Fingers teaches classes about essential oils such as Lavender, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus as well. Typically this class is for those 18 and up. When we talk about using oils we have to mention Yoga. You can schedule a group of friends to do the stretches with you and feel the soothing benefits together. However, if you rather take a private session they will be happy to accommodate you. This goes for all of the Baby Fingers Lessons.
persons hand doing peace sign
Photo by cottonbro on

Obviously, with all this tween and teen programming you might be wondering how the name Baby Fingers fits the name of the center. Actually, I have saved the best for last. Baby Fingers teaches ASL-American Sign Language to boot. All ages and abilities are able to participate in learning to sing along in sign language. Signing skills can open you up to a whole new world of possibilities and friendships.

Above all, trained professionals are there to help students with disabilities everything from starting an intro to filmmaking class to how to sign a top hip hop song. Baby Fingers has all its upcoming courses on its website below. Check it out.  You can always call them if that’s easier. 212-874-5978 email is

Have you printed out the Disability Ally NYC calendar yet?

The Meeting House-Upper West Side

social after school program

The Meeting House is an All-Inclusive Social After School Program that teaches a mix of fellowship skills. For example, experiences model mutual respect, unconditional acceptance, and active group participation. Given that social-emotional skills play an important role as you grow older, the younger you make connections the better. Hence, the program serves students from ages 4 – 13 years old.

Alongside professionals and peer mentors, a diverse community of special needs, mainstream, and under-served co-ed kids engage in meaningful activities. For instance, afterschool enrichment may include science experiments, cooking, games, yoga, chorus, as well as arts and crafts. With all these activities The Meeting House keeps it fresh and new. You are definitely not just going there to do homework. That’s for sure! I almost forgot to mention, there are also sports, and improv sessions to boot!

Basically, while you’re enjoying the camaraderie you’ll begin to feel empowered, confident, compassionate, and more understanding of your own emotions. Thus laying the groundwork for you to be a thriving successful teen and adult in the future. A positive supportive environment is just the place to learn to flex your social muscles. As a result, you’ll form new relationships with people that are different from your typical school mates. You see enough of them during the day. Why not branch out? The Meeting House Social After School Program is the place to grow emotionally in ways you may have never thought possible. Learn more down below.

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Best Buddies NYC

making friends special needs

Making friends for Special Needs children starts to get a little harder as clicks begin to form in school. From that moment on through adulthood making new connections can be quite challenging. Lucky for Us, Anthony Shriver started the Best Buddies Program back in 1989 to solve this problem. Since that time the program has grown to have chapters all over the world in over 50 countries.

In accordance with its mission, the program was built on four pillars.

1)foster meaningful one on one friendships 2)integrated employment 3)leadership development 4) inclusive living

for people who have IDD(intellectual and developmental disabilities) such as Down Syndrome, Autism, and Fragile X. Consequently, Best Buddies has made huge strides in the area of inclusion across the globe.

Likewise, I am happy to say that we have a chapter in our area to assist our Special Needs NYC Community in making friends/connections to improve our lives. Best Buddies NYC is located in Midtown at the Kinglman & Associates Office. Phone is 212-220-8552.

Whenever you read about the Friendship Ball, Walk, Concert, Leadership Conference and Fashion Show they have every year you’ll want to become a Best Buddy immediately! There is lots of Celebrity Involvement at these events so I’m guessing that you’ll be able to meet one and strike a pose for a selfie. Need I say more? Call the number without delay and sign up.

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Sparkidz Program-Upper East Side

special needs nyc sparkidz

Sparkidz is a Special Needs Social-Recreational Program.   Classes are held on Saturdays from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm during the months of September through June. Although activities take place at The Trevor School you do not need to be enrolled there to attend.

Uniquely Art, Music, Theater, Dance, Sports, and Cooking are all offered at the one location.   Our favorite subjects under one roof.  It doesn’t get better than this.  Oh my, maybe it does?  From time to time they even take Field Trips.  Score!

If I know you, you are probably thinking you might have something else on Saturdays? Despite their sadness, Sparkidz Program understands.  Flexibility is yet another positive to the network of trained teachers.  Want to take one class or do a half-day? Sure, No problem with both.  Suppose you want the whole enchilada? I like your style. FOMO(fear of missing out) is never fun. In that case,  signup for a Full Day.  Ages 6 on up to 25.    Sparkidz is also supervised with a 3: 1  student-teacher ratio thus able to give you extra help if you need it.

If you want to read about other programs in Manhattan click here and choose your category.

SNACK *-(Special Needs Activity Center Kids +*Adults )-Midtown

special needs program midtown

Please allow me to introduce you to The SNACK* Center located in Midtown. This exceptional Special Needs Program in Midtown has it ALL. For instance, the Center has various classes in Art, Music, Swimming, Fitness, and Yoga. In general, you would be running around town to take these lessons. Am I right? That’s not the case here. Everything is conveniently located under one roof. This means more time having fun with your peeps rather than commuting place to place. YES, Finally, someone gets me!

With inclusivity in mind, Snack also has a Social Club for those Fly Adults that are 21 and up. Originally SNACK* was geared toward children with Autism. However, the center quickly expanded to be an umbrella type of Special Needs Program for Midtown. All of the programs are also open to people in wheelchairs in addition to people who have NO disability whatsoever. Classes are small with a 2 to 1 ratio and usually no bigger than 8 students. Try a FREE trial class to see if a certain SNACK class is a good fit with just a click down below.


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Marlene Meyerson-JCC Manhattan-Upper West Side

special needs program at JCC

Did you know that there is an outstanding Special Needs Program at the JCC on the Upper West Side? In fact, it’s called the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan. Now I have to pause a moment and tell you about Marlene Meyerson. They named the building after her because she was one of the building’s primary donors for over 20 years. But here’s my favorite part. She’s originally from Galveston, Texas, my hometown. Galveston is not very big especially compared to NYC. So I was extremely excited to find that out one day when I was reading about Marlene.

Anyway back to the Special Needs Program at JCC. The center prides itself on inclusivity and accessibility. And for this reason, there is a vast amount of programming provided throughout the year.

Furthermore, this JCC is home to the Penguins, a Special Olympics Swim team that trains teens and young adults at the center twice a week. Aquatic skills and self-discipline go hand in hand when you are swimming to compete. Coaches continually provide support and encouragement

More examples of social programs for Special Needs Teens and Tweens include Community Cooks, Girls Night Out, and Transitions Lounge. Individuals who are not Jewish or are in a wheelchair are also welcome into this diverse environment of acceptance. Join the Marlene Meyerson JCC community with a click below.

Hey! Have you watched The Healing Powers of Dude yet on Netflix? Dude is a therapy dog and boy is he cute! See what you think?
