New Apple Apps coming to those with Disabilities this month!

special needs nyc latest news

Apple is here to offer support just when we need it most. They have come out with some great new apps just in time to celebrate Global Accessibility all this month. There are also some helpful youtube videos to walk you through using some of the accessibility features on their products. Read all about the exciting new technology with just a click below. If you have any questions/concerns call Apple directly: 1-877-204-3930

Disability Awareness Month-Make it Happen.

disability awareness month wonder book

Disability Awareness Month- Make it Happen

Wonder by RJ Palacio

We cannot talk about Disability Awareness Month without talking about the book Wonder by RJ Palacio. First, did you know that RJ stands for Raquel Jaramillo? Second, I would like to point out that the book is based on a real experience RJ had while with her son. While out and about her son noticed someone with a facial deformity and began to cry. As a result, RJ decided to use this moment as a valuable lesson in her life. She decided to write a book to help spread the word about Disability Awareness. Wonder was published in 2012. The inspiration for the title of the book came from Natalie Merchant’s song by the same name- Wonder. If you would like to hear the song I have linked it here along with lyrics. Be sure to subscribe to my channel. .

Consequently, Wonder has been a wild success and won countless awards because of its raw look at what it feels like to be different. Kids everywhere can relate and cherish the story of August “Auggie” Pullman. Whether it is for Disability Awareness Month or not the book deserves a read by everyone in my humble opinion. For this reason, you won’t even need to buy the book. I have provided a link to a FREE download down below. Because the book was such a hit Wonder the movie(rated PG) was also released as a motion picture in 2017. Another FREE watch link below. Ultimately, I am thankful for movies like this that exist to bring Disability Awareness to the forefront right where it should be. You can also follow this link to other movies and film festivals I adore.

Has Your School Ever…….

disability awareness FREE resources

Has your school or workplace ever had a Disability Awareness Day? Gosh, I hope so. They can be very informative and fun. In the event that you would like to initiate one, I have several Disability Awareness FREE Resources right below this article. You can instantly print all the tools you need and make it happen!

During my Special Needs Teacher tenure back in Galveston, Texas, I put on the first-ever Disability Awareness Day at my school. Surprisingly, it was 2012 and no one in the school district had ever done that before. Under those circumstances, I knew it was time for a change. The event was a huge success and paved the way for more inclusion opportunities.

It’s important to realize that through no fault of their own many people are uneducated when it comes to disabilities. For this reason, it is vital to spread awareness about what it means to live Autism, Blindness, Down Syndrome, or any other cognitive/physical impairments.

I can’t emphasize enough that having a Disability Awareness Day/Week/Month is some of the most life-changing work you’ll ever do for others. Even if you go to a Special Needs School, having an Awareness for what your friends go through each day will help make for a more compassionate learning environment. The more we know the more we can help and understand one another.

Honestly, you can make it last a whole month. Show specific movies each week. Make announcements on the loudspeaker about famous people with disabilities each day. You name it. It’s all good. Just do it.

Since the Disability Awareness resources are FREE and downloadable you can get the ball rolling in no time. As a side note- Generally, Disability Awareness Month is in April but you can celebrate it whenever you think it works best. That part doesn’t matter one bit. Change starts with YOU and a quick click. PS. We Love You, Indiana!

Once you’re done there, you might want to dance with new friends. Friends that are similar to you or take a private class with an instructor who lets you go at your own pace. For this reason, Behold…ZCO.

Inclusion Advocate Guide-FREE

special needs nyc inclusion advocacy

Inclusion has long been something I have been passionate about for many years. Back then there was not anything to guide me. I only went with the instincts of my heart. Now a blogger has started her very own inclusion project. She created this fantastic free guide that gives you some helpful tips and provides a place to start when working with a school or another organization. The guide is very simple and has clear cut goals. With it being FREE to download it’s definitely worth a look. Inclusion matters! Join the crusade with the links down below.

special needs nyc global accessibility awareness day

Global Accessibility Awareness Day-May 21

Are You Ready? Mark Your Calendars Now for Global Accessibility Awareness Day coming later this month on Thursday, May 21, 2020. GAAD helps spread the word about accessibility and inclusion all over the world. Now in its 9th-year GAAD gets the conversation going in communities and workplaces about what steps are being taken to make towards equality for individuals of varying disabilities. Primarily focused on technology the day has prompted lots of innovative ideas in the past. We must keep on powering forward and celebrate what valuable insight can come through a deeper understanding of the challenges the disability population faces today. Join others in support with a click down below. Additionally, if you are interested in learning more about Disability Awareness Month I have free tools here.

Crip Camp Movie Released!

special needs nyc crip camp

Crip Camp is the ADA movie doc everyone is talking about!

During the Pandemic in the process of creating this website, I came across a headline that caught my eye. Netflix was releasing a new movie on a subject most Hollywood Studios would steer clear of. Being no stranger to the subject of disabilities and human rights, I knew I had to see the movie!

Through my good fortune, I had the pleasure of watching Crip Camp( rated R) with 120 members of the disability community at CUNY and other NY colleges. Judy Heumann, the main star and iconic disability advocate that the story is about was also in attendance. I know, right! How lucky was I?

In general, this documentary movie is a moving history of how 504 and the ADA ( American Disabilities Act) was passed in 1990. Although the story itself is a serious one there are a few funny parts where some of the characters’ endearing sides are revealed. The timeless tale of teen angst back in the 1970s still rings true today and many teens will find the movie relatable in that regard.

Immediately after the premiere, we were are able to have a Q and A with Judy Heumann herself. This was beyond amazing. It is important to note that 2020 marks the 30 year anniversary of the passing of ADA. We are forever grateful to Judy Heumann for her passion and diligence. We also appreciate Netflix for taking on this incredible story. Without you, this ADA movie doc wouldn’t have made it to the mainstream media. Thank you for supporting the stories that need to be told.

Change starts with just one person and after watching the powerful documentary you will think to yourself why can’t that one person be me?

Have you ever gone scuba diving? I need to point out that we actually have a place in Manhattan that you can learn how. Check it out.

Children’s Museum of the Arts-Hudson square

adaptive art museum program

There is nothing more exhilarating than taking part in the NYC Adaptive Art Museum Program circuit. For one thing, you can let your imagination run wild without any judgments. Also, museums always have the best paints, markers, tools, and instructors. Furthermore, every creative professional had to start somewhere. And I have a feeling that some may have taken a class at CMA. (Children’s Museum of the Arts). Who knows maybe one day your work will be on exhibit and you’ll reminisce about your first project?

While you are thinking about your exhibit let me tell you a little more about this innovative museum. CMA has a mission to make Art accessible to ALL children and their families. For this reason, the program offers FREE adaptive art museum workshops to nurture your inner Picasso. Consequently, these inclusive weekend classes enable your family to join in on the fun. Children of all ages and abilities are welcomed with open arms-(most likely one is holding a paintbrush). The access programs even include a private one on one camp if that’s what you need. Classes are also universally accessible to individuals in wheelchairs. In addition, free admission is provided to any accompanying caregivers. Create. Design and Click just down below.

Hey! Have you ever wanted to find out a little more about who finds all this cool stuff for you? On the off chance, you do.
