The Meeting House is an All-Inclusive Social After School Program that teaches a mix of fellowship skills. For example, experiences model mutual respect, unconditional acceptance, and active group participation. Given that social-emotional skills play an important role as you grow older, the younger you make connections the better. Hence, the program serves students from ages 4 – 13 years old.
Alongside professionals and peer mentors, a diverse community of special needs, mainstream, and under-served co-ed kids engage in meaningful activities. For instance, afterschool enrichment may include science experiments, cooking, games, yoga, chorus, as well as arts and crafts. With all these activities The Meeting House keeps it fresh and new. You are definitely not just going there to do homework. That’s for sure! I almost forgot to mention, there are also sports, and improv sessions to boot!
Basically, while you’re enjoying the camaraderie you’ll begin to feel empowered, confident, compassionate, and more understanding of your own emotions. Thus laying the groundwork for you to be a thriving successful teen and adult in the future. A positive supportive environment is just the place to learn to flex your social muscles. As a result, you’ll form new relationships with people that are different from your typical school mates. You see enough of them during the day. Why not branch out? The Meeting House Social After School Program is the place to grow emotionally in ways you may have never thought possible. Learn more down below.
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