Has your school or workplace ever had a Disability Awareness Day? Gosh, I hope so. They can be very informative and fun. In the event that you would like to initiate one, I have several Disability Awareness FREE Resources right below this article. You can instantly print all the tools you need and make it happen!
During my Special Needs Teacher tenure back in Galveston, Texas, I put on the first-ever Disability Awareness Day at my school. Surprisingly, it was 2012 and no one in the school district had ever done that before. Under those circumstances, I knew it was time for a change. The event was a huge success and paved the way for more inclusion opportunities.
It’s important to realize that through no fault of their own many people are uneducated when it comes to disabilities. For this reason, it is vital to spread awareness about what it means to live Autism, Blindness, Down Syndrome, or any other cognitive/physical impairments.
I can’t emphasize enough that having a Disability Awareness Day/Week/Month is some of the most life-changing work you’ll ever do for others. Even if you go to a Special Needs School, having an Awareness for what your friends go through each day will help make for a more compassionate learning environment. The more we know the more we can help and understand one another.
Honestly, you can make it last a whole month. Show specific movies each week. Make announcements on the loudspeaker about famous people with disabilities each day. You name it. It’s all good. Just do it.
Since the Disability Awareness resources are FREE and downloadable you can get the ball rolling in no time. As a side note- Generally, Disability Awareness Month is in April but you can celebrate it whenever you think it works best. That part doesn’t matter one bit. Change starts with YOU and a quick click. PS. We Love You, Indiana!
Once you’re done there, you might want to dance with new friends. Friends that are similar to you or take a private class with an instructor who lets you go at your own pace. For this reason, Behold…ZCO. https://thedisabilityallynyc.com/adaptive-dance-category-programs-classes-dance-zco-dance-project-financial-district/