Other Helpful Resources that I personally use and love

https://biglifejournal.com/pages/freebies– positive and encouraging-the kids enjoy it

https://www.amightygirl.com/ great gift ideas and relative articles

https://www.cnn.com/cnn10 watched this everyday with my middle school life skills class-keeps them engaged and informed with the world

https://buddycruise.org/Home/BC2021 take a cruise out of Florida with your friends and family and meet some great people who share your similar interests-sets sail every Fall

https://www.adaptivedesign.org/aboutus over 20 years of experience in adapting designs for children in NYC

https://gozen.com/ therapist designed program to help reduce anxiety, anger, stress -everything is short to the point where you get it and so do the kids/tweens/teens wonderful videos to drive the ideas home on youtube.
