
Have you heard there are dating sites for those with Special Needs? Yes, It’s true. But are you sure you are ready for that just yet? I think the real question is – Are your parents or guardians ready for you to date? Talking to them about what your feelings are on finding love is always a good idea. You see they’ve been through all this before and will be able to offer some insight as to whether it’s a good time for you to” get out there” as they say. Now suppose they would rather you hit pause on this area of your life. Please honor their request. All things come in due time. Trust me. It’s definitely better to have their approval before you delve into uncharted territory. Whichever happens, I still want you to know about my idea.

Here’s the deal. As a result of working in the Special Needs Community, I realized there was a need for something less overwhelming than a dating site. A situation where one could tiptoe into the dating pool. A circumstance where you could practice having engaging conversations with members of the opposite sex before you go out on a full-fledged date. That’s when I came up with Two Turtle Doves. I decided that it would be fun to host social mixers. Special Needs Teens and Young Adults get together from all over the world to meet one another via zoom for half an hour. All over the world, you say? Yes. That’s right. As long as they speak English that is. Sadly, I’m afraid that’s the only language I’m fluent in. I tried to learn Spanish and French once but all I’m left with is Buenos Dias and Aurevoir. Anyway-I digress.

Back to you and your love life. Here’s the plan. First, you sign up for an event based on your age. This is of course after you’ve gotten your parent’s permission to participate. Forms will need to be signed/returned before you can proceed. Second, I’ll do a quick facetime with you to learn a little more about you and your interests. I’m happy to chat with your parents/guardians as well. As a matter of fact, they can even attend the event with you if you prefer.

Now for the actual event. We’ll join together as a group for the first part to socialize and introduce ourselves. After that, I’ll pair you with other attendees and you can spend a few minutes talking by yourselves. I’ll even provide the conversation starters to get things going should you need it. Sometimes a LOVE spark will happen between you two sometimes it won’t and that’s okay. You’ll still get practice to help prepare you for when you do meet Mr/Ms. Right. If you decide you want to exchange numbers you can or you can just be happy that you met someone NEW.

With this in mind, that’s the whole reason I created this extension of SpecialNeedsNYC. I saw a yearning for connection with people outside of your inner circle and school. The way I see it you’ve got nothing to lose and new friends to gain. So why not go for it? What if you meet the one that makes your heart skip a beat? What if they feel exactly the same about you? I sincerely want that for you. There’s nothing else like the feeling of being in love. Everyone should experience it at least once. All you have to do is just go to my Instagram @twoturtledovesnyc down below and see what you think. I can’t wait to meet you myself!

After all this talk about love, you might want to check out some of my favorite movies and series about love sweet love. They’re all yours for the watching with just a click.
