Adaptive Clothing

people having fun and drinking beer

I just learned that Adaptive clothing can be bought with a few simple clicks. In short, order through Amazon Prime and you’ll get it tomorrow! What a beautiful moment in time for us. As a result of demand, lots of name brands have jumped on board the Adaptive Clothing train.

For instance, Tommy Hilfiger says it’s all about the magnets. With his complete adaptive line of skirts, shirts, joggers, and button-downs you’ll love getting dressed. Can you imagine actually being ready before the bus gets there? Yeah, me either but we can dream. Adaptive clothing takes the stress out of your mornings. What’s more, you can do it on your own. Independence has got some swag up in here. All thanks to a few tweaks.

Additionally when your order with Amazon Prime you have Free Returns. Therefore, you have the freedom to try adaptive clothing for yourself. Then you’ll see just how breezy getting ready can be.

Here are some of my favorites

Unisex tee shirts are always in style -you can’t go wrong with this classic look

Initally adaptive clothing was not found in stores.  People were creating dressing solutions in their garages.  Now to think you can order it today for a reasonable price? And get it quickly?  It's incredible!  Well done clothing industry for making the switch and becoming  more  inclusive.

Once you’re done looking at the Fly Adaptive Clothing Styles, truck on over to books I love. As a matter of fact, you can get all the books from Amazon too. Click the link below. Making shopping effortless is my specialty. You’ve got more important things to do, like hanging out with friends. Speaking of which, I haven’t heard from you lately. 😉

Read more: Adaptive Clothing

FREE Paraprofessional Learning Resource

teacher's aide learning resource
Without our Teacher’s Aides, Paraprofessionals where would we all be?

I’m excited to have found a FREE learning resource that’s catered solely to paraprofessionals/paraeducators.

I know we can all agree that paras are crucial to student learning and behavior modifications. With teachers and their aides working in tandem toward the same goals, the classroom chi peaceful. Great minds got together and tried to figure out a way to make this happen.

As a result, the Council for Exceptional Children (hey that’s you) partnered with the Paraprofessional Resource & Research Center (yes there is a whole center dedicated to these angels on earth) and the CEEDAR Center (that stands for Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform-whew what a mouthful. I can see why they went with CEEDAR-sounds like an amazing organization-if you ask me-which you didn’t -but just sayin) anyway, they worked together to provide an effective 4 phase learning resource for paraeducators. A big round of applause for the talented people who came up with this solid plan.

Now to the really good stuff, it’s no secret teachers and paras are not paid near enough. With this in mind, the paraprofessional learning resources are at No Cost to you or anyone else for that matter. Additionally, they are Self Paced, 100 % Completely Online, and the best part? You get a year of access to the materials. That’s right, you’ll get lots of informational videos and guides after registration for 1 whole year. 365 days of being able to rewind, revisit, and print the stuff you want to print, download, and save. Give it to me, baby!

I mean, seriously? so awesome. For this reason, I had to stop what I was doing-having my coffee, and post about this right way. Boy, do I wish I would have known about these cool FREE Paraprofessional Learning Resources when I was teaching. I was too busy just trying to find the time to go to the bathroom. Because I don’t want that to be you, I had to share the information immediately. You’re Welcome. Do you mind getting me another cup of coffee? j/k I’m here to Support YOU.

Here’s the link

You know paras can be a big help in planning disability awareness day-be a superstar and check this out

Did you know that Amazon is also now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

Other Helpful Resources that I personally use and love

special needs nyc– positive and encouraging-the kids enjoy it great gift ideas and relative articles watched this everyday with my middle school life skills class-keeps them engaged and informed with the world take a cruise out of Florida with your friends and family and meet some great people who share your similar interests-sets sail every Fall over 20 years of experience in adapting designs for children in NYC therapist designed program to help reduce anxiety, anger, stress -everything is short to the point where you get it and so do the kids/tweens/teens wonderful videos to drive the ideas home on youtube.
