SocRoc Soccer Classes

*This is a sponsored post on behalf of SocRoc written by me. Opinions are 100% Mine

I’m excited to announce that SocRoc Soccer has joined the Inclusion Revolution with Adaptive Soccer Classes. That’s right. NYC’s number 1 Soccer Program now offers specialized classes for members of the disability community. Here’s the scoop or as I like to say “Here’s the Disabili-tea”.

You might remember that time I was on the cover of a magazine? No? As a matter of fact, it’s true. In April of 2022, I was the Cover Star in Sutton Place Social’s local neighborhood magazine. Well, coincidentally SocRoc Soccer who advertises in that mag, read my story and came to the event we had to raise Autism Awareness. In the midst of us raising funds for charity, Heather Christie, CEO came up to me and introduced herself. Of course, my face lit up when she asked if she could enlist my help with catering to those kids who have a disability. After that, I had a phone call set with Heather’s brother former soccer professional, James Christie in no time.

At this point, I learned James already has some experience in working with patrons at SNACK *. Therefore I know you are in good hands. You know Snack*, I have talked about them before. They provide after-school and weekend activities for all abilities as well-but first let’s talk some more SocRoc Soccer.

With SocRoc you will be in a 2 :1 ratio with a certified Special Olympics Developmental Coach. Fantastic, right ?! No worrying that the coach is not trained in working with those with disabilities. SocRoc will cater your lesson to your ability. It doesn’t get better than that unless you choose to do a private session, which is also available. Oh and I almost forgot SocRoc does Birthday Parties ! In short-there is a reason why they get voted number one year after year. Go see for yourself and I do hope you’ll let me know how it goes. Get Kicking and click the link below.

Learn more about their programs and sign up here

Want to learn more about Snack* too?

Downtown Little League- Battery Park City

special needs baseball downtown

The Downtown Little League gives Players with Disabilities the chance to play Baseball in their Challenger Division. During the season Saturday mornings at Battery Park City Fields are full of various individuals with disabilities. Rather than being concerned with skill level, The Challenger Division of NYC’s little league focuses on having a good time. Enthusiasm is the only requirement in these games. NYU volunteers, fellow players, coaches, and parents all are there to assist in learning different aspects of baseball. Just being a member of a team is really something that feels good. Even if you don’t want to learn how to hit you could always be the ball boy or girl and help around the field giving players water. Maybe you could even be the runner for someone else.

No matter what Baseball is a fun sport for those with Special Needs to participate in while living Downtown. The season only lasts a few months anyway, so why not try it? Oh, and in case you are wondering- Downtown is considered the area below or south of Canal Street in Manhattan. If you are unsure I bet if you call them they can help direct you.

Please don’t forget to sing a few verses of “take me out to the ball game” when you go. Such a great tune!

Did you know that Amazon is now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

When are you going to sign up for my newsletter, huh? Come on .

Project Happy-Gramercy

disability sports & recreation manhattan

Project Happy’s aim to promote positive well being in those with a Disability through Sports and Recreation in Manhattan. The program is held on Saturdays at the Brookdale Campus of Hunter College 425 East 25th Street about midway down from 1st Avenue.

Now there is one small catch. You need to be referred to Project Happy by a Health Professional. For instance, a Family Doctor, physician’s assistant,  school nurse, psychologist, psychiatrist, or community health practitioner all would be examples of Health Professionals. Once you get your referral, fill out the application, and consent forms you’ll be able to participate in the program. However, they might be full. In that case, you’ll be added to the waitlist for the next available spot. No Biggie. You’ll be ready to waltz right in because you’ll have already submitted all the paperwork.

Can we just take a moment to talk about how cool it will be to be on a college campus? Not only that, Hunter College actually has an Office of Access Ability. Their primary mission at the school to ensure that all programs and activities are accessible for all of you.

Hunter deserves a round of applause for getting an inclusive college experience right! We appreciate your hard work.

Find out more about how Project Happy helps those with a disability have some Manhattan fun through sports & recreation down below.

Did you know that Amazon is now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

Hey, have you the Disability Ally NYC calendar page yet? You can actually print it out so you know what’s going on throughout the year. Check it out.

West Side Little League-Upper West Side

special needs baseball manhattan

I am thrilled to be able to tell you that Manhattan has an Adaptive Disability Baseball Program. Not only does West Side Little League have a co-ed division called The Challengers but also it’s for children with disabilities ages 5 and up. Rather than have you wonder what “co-ed” means, let me explain. That means boys and girls are on the same team. Furthermore, when they say ages 5 and Up-that is to say even Special Needs Adults can play ball too. Of course, the division coaches divide players up by ages and abilities so you’ll make some friends on your team with people your own age.

Typically The Challengers’ Schedule begins in the Spring and practice/games are on Sunday afternoons. Younger kids at 77th and Riverside Drive while older players go to 103rd and Riverside Drive. Sounds to me like a nice way to wrap up the weekend. Don’t you think?

Instead of worrying if you are skilled enough to play baseball, just bring a great attitude and be ready to try. I guarantee there will be a coach there to help bring out the best ballplayer in YOU! Score a Home Run down below.

Did you know that Amazon is now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Have you signed up for the Disability Ally NYC Newsletter? It would mean the world to me if you would!

KEEN-(Kids Enjoy Exercise Now)-NYC-Midtown

Kids with Disabilities Exercise

Kids and Young Adults with Physical and Developmental Disabilities can Exercise with KEEN. What’s KEEN, you say? KEEN stands for Kids Enjoy Exercise Now. This recreational program aims to empower youth with disabilities by providing free, non-competitive one-to-one programs of exercise, fitness, and fun, led by volunteer coaches.

Since 1992, KEEN has successfully encouraged thousands of kids and young adults with disabilities to exercise. What began in Washington D.C has now spread across the United States to areas such as San Francisco, Phoenix, and Chicago. How lucky are we to have a branch here in NYC?

At the heart of the KEEN’s mission is a beautiful vision of acceptance. “Imagine a World where Every Child finds Friendship and Self Esteem” -Keen NYC. In fact, an Inclusion philosophy serves as the foundation of the program. To explain further, EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to participate regardless of their ability. I can’t speak for you but once I read that I immediately became a fan. I have been witness to plenty of situations where children with special needs weren’t included in gym class or even engaged with because of their disability. So programs like these make me immensely happy.

Please keep in mind that a short athlete enrollment form must be completed before you join. You and your family/caregiver must complete orientation before registering for your first session. The schedule is available online and it’s packed -Better get to steppin!

Did you know that Amazon is now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

Have you still not subscribed to my newsletter? no,? seriously? what are you waiting for?

Junior Knicks-Chelsea

The Junior Knicks is an NBA New York Knicks Inclusive Basketball Program that is accessible to kids ages 6 to 16. One part of the site says age 14 but something tells me they won’t mind including a few of you 15 and 16-year-olds if you really love the game. During this amazing program, you’ll learn skills such as how to dribble, pass, and shoot the ball. Additionally, you’ll meet some Professional Knicks Players, as well as some known Legends. Furthermore, you’ll get to go to some live games, and even have the opportunity to play on the court in Madison Square Garden. I can’t wait to see some pics. You better tag SpecialNeedsNYC2020 when you show people the fun you’re having out there.

By all means, sign up soon because they normally have around 10,000 participants. Professional Coaches and training staff typically divide the kids by age groups. What an exciting way to meet new people who share your love of basketball! Lastly, the Junior Knicks Inclusive Summer Basketball Program Typically Tips Off in July. Grab your Air Jordans and sign up today. I love the sound of the net! Swoosh!

Hey, have you printed out our Calendar yet so you know what’s happening around Manhattan? Like Nike says-Just do it.

Kids Tennis Co.- Upper West Side

Special Needs Tennis Manhattan

Have you ever been to the US OPEN- the tennis tournament we have in Queens? I have and I absolutely loved it! If you ever wanted to play I know an ideal place for you to take lessons. The Kids Tennis Co. provides Special Needs Tennis Instruction for players in Manhattan.

What makes them a great place to begin your Tennis journey is the fact that they have a specialized curriculum, low student-teacher ratio and to top it off, adaptive equipment. Coupled with highly qualified instructors, you’ll be ready to serve and make a point in no time.

In addition to all of this, Kids Tennis Co. will even help you plan your Birthday Celebration or any other type of Event. The Staff knows how AMAZING you are, as do I so let’s get to it!

Tennis matches are usually action-packed and so entertaining to watch. The idea of playing sounds very exciting. Pair that with having a place with the proper training to teach you skills of the game, you may just become the next Rafael Nadal. Not sure who he is? He won the US OPEN tournament last year. I happen to have a bit of a crush on him, but I digress. More about that another time. Back to the business at hand.

Overall Kids Tennis Company’s Program has glowing reviews. Furthermore, they have the expertise needed to teach our Special Needs Manhattan Community the game of Tennis. Match Point. Learn more down below.

Hey, Have You Subscribed To My Newsletter Yet? Get on it, Man!

Achilles International- NYC

disability running group manhattan

Did you know that the more you Run, the more Tacos you can eat? It’s true. The more laps you complete the bigger dollop of sour cream! Don’t believe me? Join Achilles International NYC/Manhattan, a Running/Walking Group for people who have a Disability.

Since 1983 Achilles has been gathering people with disabilities together to train and encourage each other while pushing themselves a little harder. Consequently, the program is divided into two parts. First, you have the Achilles Adult division suitable for those 18 and up. Including training options five days a week in different areas of the city. You’ll be able to see locations once you click the link.

Second, is Achilles Kids for those Ages 2- 18. Generally speaking, kids’ training happens once or twice a week in Central Park or the JCC-Upper West Side. So here’s the thing, you don’t need to be a great runner to participate. You can go at your own pace. Some kids only walk and that’s perfectly okay. Games are played, you’re moving and friendships are formed with kids and volunteers. As a result, you feel good about yourself and gain confidence in your accomplishments no matter the size. Furthermore, Achilles Kids participates in several NYC races throughout the year. I can picture you with your medal now. Looking so Proud!

In the long RUN-(ha, get it), you’ll be so glad you got involved with a Running Group specifically for those with a Disability here in Manhattan. Just Put on Your Running Shoes and Join Achilles International!

I know I say this all the time-but have you subscribed to Special Needs NYC yet?

Sparkidz Program-Upper East Side

special needs nyc sparkidz

Sparkidz is a Special Needs Social-Recreational Program.   Classes are held on Saturdays from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm during the months of September through June. Although activities take place at The Trevor School you do not need to be enrolled there to attend.

Uniquely Art, Music, Theater, Dance, Sports, and Cooking are all offered at the one location.   Our favorite subjects under one roof.  It doesn’t get better than this.  Oh my, maybe it does?  From time to time they even take Field Trips.  Score!

If I know you, you are probably thinking you might have something else on Saturdays? Despite their sadness, Sparkidz Program understands.  Flexibility is yet another positive to the network of trained teachers.  Want to take one class or do a half-day? Sure, No problem with both.  Suppose you want the whole enchilada? I like your style. FOMO(fear of missing out) is never fun. In that case,  signup for a Full Day.  Ages 6 on up to 25.    Sparkidz is also supervised with a 3: 1  student-teacher ratio thus able to give you extra help if you need it.

If you want to read about other programs in Manhattan click here and choose your category.

Every Kid’s Yoga -Chelsea

special needs nyc yoga

Every Kid’s Yoga is an inclusive yoga studio that focuses not only on yoga but on the integration of creative arts along with playtime. The benefits of yoga to the special needs community are numerous. Some of them include improved speech because of breathwork, increased strength, and flexibility, and help with learning to self soothe in difficult situations. The list goes on and it’s all positive. Because of Every Kid’s Yoga’s expertise, they also showcase detailed training in teaching yoga to children with disabilities to occupational therapists and the like. Be sure to sign up for the email list to find out when the next sessions take place. Om your way to relaxation by clicking below.
