Let’s Talk Voter Accessibility

white and grey voting day sign
Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com
BMD machine -Ballot Marking Device Voter Booth that has privacy walls on each side and a touch screen and headphones

It Only Takes One Person To Make A Difference In This Life!

a scene from a Broadway stage that looks like a dream come to life very magical with lots of objects handing down from ceiling

Free Tickets For Kids to Broadway

black wall with yellow sign that says ticket in black lettering

All Of Me has my heart!

A Disability LOVE Story is the talk of the town!

a heterosexual couple both look at each other lovingly as they sit in their wheelchairs. Their family members stand behind them  -the photo belongs to the new group producers of the show

We’ve Been Waiting For You Cafe Joyeux

cappuccino in white ceramic cup on white ceramic saucer

Exciting News for our neighborhood. New York’s first-of-its-kind inclusive
French coffee shop has made it from the heart of France to Midtown East.
Since 2017, Cafe Joyeux (pronounced joy-you) has had the mission of
providing employment and training for people with mental and cognitive
disabilities. With over 19 locations in Europe, making disability visible in
culinary jobs has proven to be a successful concept thus far. And what
better place to make their American debut than in the middle of Manhattan?
Centrally located at 52nd Street and Lexington Avenue, Cafe Joyeux
boasts warm hospitality and delicious French gourmet goodies served fresh

What makes it different from other coffee shops?

In the first place, not only does the family of cafes provide meaningful
engagement with society for its employees, but customers also gain the
opportunity to embrace differences in one another. Because, you see, 95 %
of their employees have a disability. As far as I know, there is no other
business in New York that this is the case. With this radical innovation of a
high intellectual disability employment rate, Cafe Joyeoux’s mission is to
open hearts and minds. By recruiting trainees who have a disability such as
Autism or Down Syndrome, for example, specialists work as a team to
teach vocational skills needed to work in a professional company
environment. Business Positions include greeter, food preparer, cashier,
and waitstaff. Employees learn the skills to do all positions then restaurant
managers adapt job roles to fit each person’s ability.

What do they serve?

All Joyeux team members are happy to serve the usual coffee varieties of
lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos. Homemade hot chocolate, tea, and
lemonade are also available. Drinks usually have a sprinkle of love and
kindness thrown in each cup. Prepared on-site are luscious French pastries
like almond croissants and triple chocolate cookies. Yum!
Beyond dessert, you’ll find savory treats such as bacon and cheese
bun, sweet potato soup, or a Waldorf salad.

Besides the people and food, you’ll want to spend time soaking up the
atmosphere. With high ceilings, plenty of seating, and large windows, you
can’t help but be in a good mood. After all, Joyeoux does mean happiness in
English. I’m pleased to report the Cafe is also accessible to people using a
wheelchair or walker. Complete with an accessible bathroom as well.
Cafe Joyeoux is on a mission to include people with intellectual disability in
society through work and everyday encounters. By gaining confidence and
experience, Cafe employees’ daily lives become filled with purpose and
belonging. I’m beyond thrilled that they are here. Let us support their efforts.
I think you’ll find The Joy Will Be With You.

Cafe Joyeoux
599 Lexington Ave
Hours 7:30 am-5 pm M-F
8:00 am-4 pm Sat
Closed Sundays
For more Disability Content follow me @TheDisabilityAllyNYC Instagram click here https://www.instagram.com/thedisabilityallynyc/

SocRoc Soccer Classes

*This is a sponsored post on behalf of SocRoc written by me. Opinions are 100% Mine

I’m excited to announce that SocRoc Soccer has joined the Inclusion Revolution with Adaptive Soccer Classes. That’s right. NYC’s number 1 Soccer Program now offers specialized classes for members of the disability community. Here’s the scoop or as I like to say “Here’s the Disabili-tea”.

You might remember that time I was on the cover of a magazine? No? As a matter of fact, it’s true. In April of 2022, I was the Cover Star in Sutton Place Social’s local neighborhood magazine. Well, coincidentally SocRoc Soccer who advertises in that mag, read my story and came to the event we had to raise Autism Awareness. In the midst of us raising funds for charity, Heather Christie, CEO came up to me and introduced herself. Of course, my face lit up when she asked if she could enlist my help with catering to those kids who have a disability. After that, I had a phone call set with Heather’s brother former soccer professional, James Christie in no time.

At this point, I learned James already has some experience in working with patrons at SNACK *. Therefore I know you are in good hands. You know Snack*, I have talked about them before. They provide after-school and weekend activities for all abilities as well-but first let’s talk some more SocRoc Soccer.

With SocRoc you will be in a 2 :1 ratio with a certified Special Olympics Developmental Coach. Fantastic, right ?! No worrying that the coach is not trained in working with those with disabilities. SocRoc will cater your lesson to your ability. It doesn’t get better than that unless you choose to do a private session, which is also available. Oh and I almost forgot SocRoc does Birthday Parties ! In short-there is a reason why they get voted number one year after year. Go see for yourself and I do hope you’ll let me know how it goes. Get Kicking and click the link below.

Learn more about their programs and sign up here https://socrocnyc.com/kids-with-disabilities/

Want to learn more about Snack* too? https://thedisabilityallynyc.com/special-needs-program-midtown-category-programs-classes-snack-special-needs-activity-center-kids-adults/?v=7516fd43adaa

Free Movie About Autism

clapper board in green surface

So I just discovered a great Free Movie About Autism that is included on Amazon Prime. You can’t go wrong with simple. clean, and wholesome entertainment. The beauty is that this free movie shines a light on Autism Awareness. The best part I’ve provided the link right here. Just one click and you’ll be watching in no time. Enjoy, my friends.


Did you know I actually have curated a whole slew of books, movies, and adaptive clothes just for you?


hey are you following yet on Instagram ? https://www.instagram.com/thedisabilityallynyc/

FREE Paraprofessional Learning Resource

teacher's aide learning resource
Without our Teacher’s Aides, Paraprofessionals where would we all be?

I’m excited to have found a FREE learning resource that’s catered solely to paraprofessionals/paraeducators.

I know we can all agree that paras are crucial to student learning and behavior modifications. With teachers and their aides working in tandem toward the same goals, the classroom chi peaceful. Great minds got together and tried to figure out a way to make this happen.

As a result, the Council for Exceptional Children (hey that’s you) partnered with the Paraprofessional Resource & Research Center (yes there is a whole center dedicated to these angels on earth) and the CEEDAR Center (that stands for Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform-whew what a mouthful. I can see why they went with CEEDAR-sounds like an amazing organization-if you ask me-which you didn’t -but just sayin) anyway, they worked together to provide an effective 4 phase learning resource for paraeducators. A big round of applause for the talented people who came up with this solid plan.

Now to the really good stuff, it’s no secret teachers and paras are not paid near enough. With this in mind, the paraprofessional learning resources are at No Cost to you or anyone else for that matter. Additionally, they are Self Paced, 100 % Completely Online, and the best part? You get a year of access to the materials. That’s right, you’ll get lots of informational videos and guides after registration for 1 whole year. 365 days of being able to rewind, revisit, and print the stuff you want to print, download, and save. Give it to me, baby!

I mean, seriously? so awesome. For this reason, I had to stop what I was doing-having my coffee, and post about this right way. Boy, do I wish I would have known about these cool FREE Paraprofessional Learning Resources when I was teaching. I was too busy just trying to find the time to go to the bathroom. Because I don’t want that to be you, I had to share the information immediately. You’re Welcome. Do you mind getting me another cup of coffee? j/k I’m here to Support YOU.

Here’s the link



You know paras can be a big help in planning disability awareness day-be a superstar and check this out


Did you know that Amazon is also now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .https://amzn.to/3ROfMx1

Love on the Spectrum-Netflix

love on the spectrum

Normally you don’t hear autism, dating, and series all in the same sentence. Well, It happened on July 22, 2020, on Netflix. The new reality documentary series Love on the Spectrum premiered and it was nothing short of FABULOUS! Seven brave young adults tiptoe out into the world of dating for the first time and we get to watch how it all unfolds. With the help of family members, friends, and a trusty relationship therapist you’ll get a true sense of the wideness of the spectrum of autism. No two individuals are exactly the same by a long shot. Most importantly you’ll see that much like for the rest of us, dating is just plain hard!

By the end of the series, you’ll be thinking of friends you want to set up these endearing sweethearts with! Love on the Spectrum is relatable, funny, honest, and nerve-racking in all the best ways possible. One thing is for sure, it’s one great way to help people learn a little bit more about people with disabilities. Seeing dating through the eyes of someone with autism in a series reminds us of an important fact. Deep down we all want the same things. To Love and Be Loved.

Please watch. You’ll be glad you did!


Speaking of love, you know who loves you your family and friends! Where do you want to have them celebrate your birthday at? I’ve got some great ideas here. https://thedisabilityallynyc.com/category/birthday-parties/

Did you know that Amazon is also now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .https://amzn.to/3ROfMx1

On the Spectrum – TV Series on Amazon

Autism TV Series Amazon

I’m excited to announce Amazon has placed an order for a unique TV Series about Autism called On the Spectrum. As a matter of fact, the show not only features one character with Autism, but there are three!

Until now, the show was an Israeli Autistic Drama. However, Amazon Studios has recently decided to bring the series to a larger audience. Keeping a similar storyline in the remake is equally important because of the proven success the series has shown thus far. Presently called On the Spectrum, the show highlights 3 roommates in their 20’s tackling life’s hurdles through an autistic lens. As you might expect there are some comedic social situations in relation to dating, work-life, and friendships. I read a review from someone that wrote ” the series allows us to experience life from a sensitive point of view.” Well, isn’t that the truth. In my opinion, that’s such a perfect way to describe my friends who have autism. Sensitive to life coupled with being creative, funny, and caring.

Also, important to note Jason Katmis, the show’s writer has a 23-year-old son on the spectrum. Personally being able to tell this coming of age story was important to him. Katmis , you might remember is the same writer that brought us Parenthood and Friday Night Lights. With exceptional shows like those in his repertoire, the On the Spectrum TV series on Amazon is sure to be an entertaining autism masterpiece. You can watch the trailer on my youtube channel and read more details with a click below.



Hey by the way, have you ever been to the intrepid museum? It’s amazing! https://thedisabilityallynyc.com/category/programs-classes/science-history/
