Love on the Spectrum-Netflix

love on the spectrum

Normally you don’t hear autism, dating, and series all in the same sentence. Well, It happened on July 22, 2020, on Netflix. The new reality documentary series Love on the Spectrum premiered and it was nothing short of FABULOUS! Seven brave young adults tiptoe out into the world of dating for the first time and we get to watch how it all unfolds. With the help of family members, friends, and a trusty relationship therapist you’ll get a true sense of the wideness of the spectrum of autism. No two individuals are exactly the same by a long shot. Most importantly you’ll see that much like for the rest of us, dating is just plain hard!

By the end of the series, you’ll be thinking of friends you want to set up these endearing sweethearts with! Love on the Spectrum is relatable, funny, honest, and nerve-racking in all the best ways possible. One thing is for sure, it’s one great way to help people learn a little bit more about people with disabilities. Seeing dating through the eyes of someone with autism in a series reminds us of an important fact. Deep down we all want the same things. To Love and Be Loved.

Please watch. You’ll be glad you did!

Speaking of love, you know who loves you your family and friends! Where do you want to have them celebrate your birthday at? I’ve got some great ideas here.

Did you know that Amazon is also now offering an all-kids subscription that you can use across all of your devices? It is very inexpensive too. What’s more, you can choose what age you want-which I absolutely love. Age 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. How’s that? Content curated just for you! click my link and get a free trial and see what you think! .

On the Spectrum – TV Series on Amazon

Autism TV Series Amazon

I’m excited to announce Amazon has placed an order for a unique TV Series about Autism called On the Spectrum. As a matter of fact, the show not only features one character with Autism, but there are three!

Until now, the show was an Israeli Autistic Drama. However, Amazon Studios has recently decided to bring the series to a larger audience. Keeping a similar storyline in the remake is equally important because of the proven success the series has shown thus far. Presently called On the Spectrum, the show highlights 3 roommates in their 20’s tackling life’s hurdles through an autistic lens. As you might expect there are some comedic social situations in relation to dating, work-life, and friendships. I read a review from someone that wrote ” the series allows us to experience life from a sensitive point of view.” Well, isn’t that the truth. In my opinion, that’s such a perfect way to describe my friends who have autism. Sensitive to life coupled with being creative, funny, and caring.

Also, important to note Jason Katmis, the show’s writer has a 23-year-old son on the spectrum. Personally being able to tell this coming of age story was important to him. Katmis , you might remember is the same writer that brought us Parenthood and Friday Night Lights. With exceptional shows like those in his repertoire, the On the Spectrum TV series on Amazon is sure to be an entertaining autism masterpiece. You can watch the trailer on my youtube channel and read more details with a click below.

Hey by the way, have you ever been to the intrepid museum? It’s amazing!

The Healing Powers of Dude

social anxiety disorder on netflix

Netflix has stepped up to the plate and given us a new series about an 11-year-old with “social anxiety disorder” who has an emotional support dog. The Healing Powers of Dude is the latest addition to a line of entertainment projects featuring individuals with a disability. The first episode premiered in January of 2020, so you can quickly binge-watch to catch up in no time.

The premise is you get to follow Noah as he deals with his social issues through Middle School. Along the way is his therapy dog, Dude. Going to Middle School is kind of a big deal on its own. But coupled with the fact that Noah was previously homeschooled the transition is a little bit of a struggle. However, this series is a comedy so we can laugh about some of the relatable situations.

Season 2 is in the for works for January of 2021. If we don’t watch there will NOT be another season. Please let friends know about The Healing Powers of Dude with the link below so we can keep this awesome show on the air that deals with lots of different relevant issues in today’s society.

P.S. Thank You for going ABOVE the noise and producing this program about Social Anxiety, Netflix! We Sincerely Appreciate YOU.

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