Lincoln Center-Passport to the Arts-Upper West Side

performing arts accessibility passport to the arts

First, let me start by saying The Lincoln Center has done an amazing job with regard to performing arts accessibility. For one thing, the entire center is accessible to individuals in wheelchairs including reserved seats.

Next, they have forged a unique program called Passport to the Arts. Children with disabilities along with their families can enjoy an introduction to the arts through a variety of Lincoln Center performances.

In the hope that more families can be exposed to the arts, the center has made tickets available at NO-COST. WOW! How nice of them. In order for you to get a lay of the land before you come, the Center also offers a FREE guided tour of the facilities.

There is only one crucial thing to remember. Due to Policy, You Must Give Advance Notice of at least Two Weeks. I would imagine tickets are also subject to availability. Please contact 212-875-5375 to arrange your experience whenever you know the date of your attendance.

Hats off to the Lincoln Center for showing inclusive support to our community. Performing Arts Accessibility is something we are very grateful for in New York. Further accommodations can be had with a click down below.

Granted that you like the performing arts, have you ever learned to play an instrument? I know of some places that will give you the type of individualized instruction you need.

Roaring Epiphany Production Company-Midtown

Inclusive Acting Roaring Epiphany Production Company

Inclusive Acting and Audition opportunities are somewhat lacking in New York City. Honestly, let me be real. They are lacking everywhere. However, NYC is a great place to start breaking through theater barriers.

Through our good fortune, RJ VerChuad decided to take the bull by the horns to try and fill some of the gaps. Back in 2015, he founded The Roaring Epiphany Production Company, (REPC). For the sole purpose of bringing inclusion acting to the forefront, REPC began casting ADULTS with disabilities in theatrical roles.

At the present time, productions of new and old works are performed at The Playroom Theater. REPC members get the chance to work alongside Broadway and off-Broadway actors. Generally, Adults 18+ with disabilities can audition to take the stage as actors, singers, dancers, and poets just to name a few options. Individuals in wheelchairs can easily apply and audition because the Playroom Theater is accessible for ALL.

Due to Roaring Epiphany’s diligence, Inclusive Acting is here to stay in New York City. We certainly hope that other cities take notice and start their own organizations to promote actors of ALL abilities. Your Opening Night awaits. Click Below.

Hey have you gone to a great restaurant lately ? You might want to check these out.

High 5 to the Arts! Midtown and around town

high 5 to the arts arts connection nyc

A Teen Social Theater Program called High 5 to the Arts was the brainchild of the Arts Connection. Their mission is simple. Bring liberal arts right to the teens of NYC for BEYOND a reasonable price. Music, Theater, Movies, Dance, and even some Museum Galleries are all available for you to purchase a ticket online for a mere $5 or $10. Say what? Tickets to Theater alone are ordinarily around 59 Bucks. What a Steal!

Now here’s the catch you need to be a middle or high schooler. If you have some sort of ID to prove that, then viola you are in. The beauty is that for every ticket a student purchases an adult is welcome to purchase an additional ticket to go with them at the same price.

By and large, High 5 to the Arts is the coolest Teen Social Theater program out there. When you’re ready, get your gang together. Then sign up and take advantage of all their amazing events. Be sure to check out their FAQ section to review the fine points. Click below to join in on the FUN!

Have you figured out where you want to eat for your birthday yet? Check these places out

Theater Access- Midtown

I have named some particular theaters already but this site gives you the specifics on all the big Broadway performances. It’s a great place to start. Choose your accommodations and a list will pop right up making a dream trip to Broadway effortless. A valuable service beneficial to all.

New York City Children’s Theater-Midtown

theater accommodations

From time to time it’s fun going to a Family Theater performance with the people you love most. Did you know that the New York Children’s Theater offers a sensory-friendly performance for ALL of their main stage productions? Let me repeat that last part again, sensory-friendly performance for ALL of the main stage productions. No way. Yes, way. Isn’t that fantastic? At the same time, they even have Autism Specialists on-site ready to provide supports if needed during the show. In other words, if you need help they are there for you.

Also no need to worry if you or someone else in the family needs to take a break. Conveniently, patrons are allowed to come and go during the performance with no problem. Just wait until you hear this part. As you know, generally speaking, it’s a must to be quiet in the theater right? Not here, my friend. Instead, New York City Children’s Family Theater states noise, and talking are permitted. Perhaps I read their website all wrong? It almost seems too good to be true. Something tells me you better see for yourself! Enter stage left down below.

Special Needs NYC is happy you are here. We would love to stay in touch. Subscribe to our Newsletter here.

New Victory Theater- Midtown

inclusivity and accessibility new victory theater

Inclusivity and Accessibility are big parts of the mission of the New Victory Theater. In order to facilitate that mission, NVT has taken profound steps to ensure Theater Shows are available to ALL families. For example, there are no stairs on the Orchestra Level explicitly providing accommodations for wheelchair-bound patrons. Furthermore, lifts are also in the building to get wheelchairs up to higher levels.

To emphasize their commitment to inclusivity and accessibility NVT offers a whole host of other accommodations. Particularly of interest might be their audio described devices. These unique devices provide necessary details in between the actions of the actors. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted or confused and these are there to help you stay focused.

Chiefly, those on the autism spectrum can also enjoy sensory-friendly performances throughout the year. In addition, sign language interpretation is also available at certain shows. In any event, I would call and talk to them directly to find out any necessary details or ask any other questions you may have. You can call them at 646- 223-3010. As always be sure to give plenty of notice to the theater if you have any specific needs. Look behind the curtain below.

Have you printed the Special Needs NYC Calendar out yet? Do so here.

Theater Development Fund

Theater Access-Theater Development Fund

Theater Access is the main mission for the Theater Development Fund. Since it’s founding in 1968, the TDF non-profit organization has strived to make Broadway shows a reality for all. Usually, due to financial limitations or disabilities, some families are unable to attend NYC theater productions. Because of the organization’s diligence in the area of accessibility, over 900 plays and musicals have been seen so far. As a result, TDF has grown to be the largest national non-profit for the performing arts industry.

Specifically, TDF has done exceptional work in theater access with regard to Autism. For example, shows have been made sensory-friendly. This is done by simply adjusting the lighting and lowering loud sounds. Such a simple tweak can make a huge difference. Additionally, children who need to take a break during the show are welcome to at any time. Families are able to download pictures and narratives from the show before they attend. In this case, the downloads assist in soothing the children before and during the performance. Given these points, I can’t help but express my immense gratitude for this amazing organization. Join me in tipping your hat to Theater Development Fund. Until we meet again, join their mailing list down below. You won’t want to miss any upcoming shows!

Has your school or workplace done a Disability Awareness Day before? Time to do another one if not. Check out all the FREE materials here.
