Free Movie About Autism

clapper board in green surface

So I just discovered a great Free Movie About Autism that is included on Amazon Prime. You can’t go wrong with simple. clean, and wholesome entertainment. The beauty is that this free movie shines a light on Autism Awareness. The best part I’ve provided the link right here. Just one click and you’ll be watching in no time. Enjoy, my friends.

Did you know I actually have curated a whole slew of books, movies, and adaptive clothes just for you?

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Disability Awareness Month-Make it Happen.

disability awareness month wonder book

Disability Awareness Month- Make it Happen

Wonder by RJ Palacio

We cannot talk about Disability Awareness Month without talking about the book Wonder by RJ Palacio. First, did you know that RJ stands for Raquel Jaramillo? Second, I would like to point out that the book is based on a real experience RJ had while with her son. While out and about her son noticed someone with a facial deformity and began to cry. As a result, RJ decided to use this moment as a valuable lesson in her life. She decided to write a book to help spread the word about Disability Awareness. Wonder was published in 2012. The inspiration for the title of the book came from Natalie Merchant’s song by the same name- Wonder. If you would like to hear the song I have linked it here along with lyrics. Be sure to subscribe to my channel. .

Consequently, Wonder has been a wild success and won countless awards because of its raw look at what it feels like to be different. Kids everywhere can relate and cherish the story of August “Auggie” Pullman. Whether it is for Disability Awareness Month or not the book deserves a read by everyone in my humble opinion. For this reason, you won’t even need to buy the book. I have provided a link to a FREE download down below. Because the book was such a hit Wonder the movie(rated PG) was also released as a motion picture in 2017. Another FREE watch link below. Ultimately, I am thankful for movies like this that exist to bring Disability Awareness to the forefront right where it should be. You can also follow this link to other movies and film festivals I adore.

Crip Camp Movie Released!

special needs nyc crip camp

Crip Camp is the ADA movie doc everyone is talking about!

During the Pandemic in the process of creating this website, I came across a headline that caught my eye. Netflix was releasing a new movie on a subject most Hollywood Studios would steer clear of. Being no stranger to the subject of disabilities and human rights, I knew I had to see the movie!

Through my good fortune, I had the pleasure of watching Crip Camp( rated R) with 120 members of the disability community at CUNY and other NY colleges. Judy Heumann, the main star and iconic disability advocate that the story is about was also in attendance. I know, right! How lucky was I?

In general, this documentary movie is a moving history of how 504 and the ADA ( American Disabilities Act) was passed in 1990. Although the story itself is a serious one there are a few funny parts where some of the characters’ endearing sides are revealed. The timeless tale of teen angst back in the 1970s still rings true today and many teens will find the movie relatable in that regard.

Immediately after the premiere, we were are able to have a Q and A with Judy Heumann herself. This was beyond amazing. It is important to note that 2020 marks the 30 year anniversary of the passing of ADA. We are forever grateful to Judy Heumann for her passion and diligence. We also appreciate Netflix for taking on this incredible story. Without you, this ADA movie doc wouldn’t have made it to the mainstream media. Thank you for supporting the stories that need to be told.

Change starts with just one person and after watching the powerful documentary you will think to yourself why can’t that one person be me?

Have you ever gone scuba diving? I need to point out that we actually have a place in Manhattan that you can learn how. Check it out.


weekend special needs programs nyc

Sprout has some Weekend and Evening Special Needs Programs that will blow your socks off! Have you heard of them yet? No? That’s a shame because they have been around since 1979. That’s before you were even born. Life was so boring back then. I’m glad YOU arrived to BRIGHTEN OUR WORLD. Please thank your Momma for me.

Now back to Sprout, the amazing non-profit organization that aims to make the invisible visible. I’m so loving them already. Notably, their Travel and Film programs have presented mind-blowing opportunities for the Special Needs Community to grow and flourish. The Sprout team puts also puts on an annual Sproutstock, weekend-long music, and arts festival. This provides yet another way people of all abilities can let loose and have incredible fun! Weekend and Evening Special Needs Programs never had it so good! I almost forgot I need to point out one catch to participation. YOU must be 16 plus to join the group. Sorry, youg’uns your time will come. Add a little water and sunshine with just a click down below.

Hey, Have You Subscribed to the Newsletter Yet? How else are you going to stay on top of all the latest Special Needs News in Manhattan?

Reel Abilities Film Festival-Upper West Side

disability film festival reel abilities

A Disability Film Festival had never been done before until The Reel Abilities Festival came along in 2007. In the spirit of diversity and inclusion Reel Abilities’ goal has always been to bring attention to the lives of people with disabilities. By showing these fascinating films it is the hope that more people became aware of both of the struggles and successes of individuals who have various impairments. Entries to the festival can be either made by or have someone with a disability as a subject matter.

With this intention of acceptance, it comes as no surprise that a Disability Film Festival with such substance would take place at The Marlene Mayerson Jewish Community Center. Also known as the JCC-Manhattan, this location has served as a perfect backdrop for such a dynamic event every year.

Given that the event has grown immensely over the years, the festival has now expanded to an international program. In fact, Reel Abilities is the largest festival of it’s kind anywhere in the world. Certainly, you don’t miss this week-long event! So Sign Up on the email list. As soon as you do that you’ll be the first to know all the upcoming details. Heck, maybe you want to submit a film?

Ready and Action- Take One with a click down below.

Want to submit a film?

Just out of curiosity have you thought about taking an acting class?

High 5 to the Arts! Midtown and around town

high 5 to the arts arts connection nyc

A Teen Social Theater Program called High 5 to the Arts was the brainchild of the Arts Connection. Their mission is simple. Bring liberal arts right to the teens of NYC for BEYOND a reasonable price. Music, Theater, Movies, Dance, and even some Museum Galleries are all available for you to purchase a ticket online for a mere $5 or $10. Say what? Tickets to Theater alone are ordinarily around 59 Bucks. What a Steal!

Now here’s the catch you need to be a middle or high schooler. If you have some sort of ID to prove that, then viola you are in. The beauty is that for every ticket a student purchases an adult is welcome to purchase an additional ticket to go with them at the same price.

By and large, High 5 to the Arts is the coolest Teen Social Theater program out there. When you’re ready, get your gang together. Then sign up and take advantage of all their amazing events. Be sure to check out their FAQ section to review the fine points. Click below to join in on the FUN!

Have you figured out where you want to eat for your birthday yet? Check these places out


times square

These are a few of the movies that I have seen that really have had an impact on me. Each offers an inside look as to what it is like to be a person with a disability. My wish is to spread the word on these films so others will be more educated on this population.

This first movie I showed to the entire school body at a jr.high in Galveston, Texas. The movie was part of the school district’s first-ever Disability Awareness Day. More about that in another section of the site. First, let me tell you a little about Mary Temple Grandin. She has autism and is one of the first people that shared her personal journey with the neurodevelopmental disorder. She currently is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University and an Autism spokesperson. If you would like to learn more about her and see the movie you can do so below.

In 2017 I decided to check out the Tribeca Film Festival for the first time. I bought a day pass in a rush and really didn’t read the details on the movies included. I found out about midway through the day that I was right where I was supposed to be. The movie shown was Keep the Change. The best way to describe it is as a touching authentic love story about two people on the Autism Spectrum. To my knowledge, this has never been done before on screen. To make things even better there was a Q and A with the director, Rachel Isreal following the showing. The entire cast were all sitting in the front row and couldn’t have been glowing more. As they took to the stage for questions it was obvious that this was their moment and they were rightfully taking it. You see Isreal had chosen and modeled the characters after real people with intellectual disabilities living here in New York City. She had them involved in every step of the process and I have a huge amount of admiration for Isreal bringing this type of romantic comedy to our attention. I have not stopped talking about the film since and I don’t think you will be able to either. ) If you still need more convincing read the article below and then click the link for where to watch. (Please note that the film is NR but if I were to rate it I would say it’s PG-13)

Now for the big hit of 2019. The Peanut Butter Falcon. The adventure begins when Zak, a 24-year-old with Down syndrome decides he is escaping the facility he has been assigned to live in by the state. Debut directors Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz were curious for feedback from the Down syndrome community so they collaborated with Gigi’s Playhouse Center to get together an invite list for the first screening here in NYC. The audience laughed, cried, and cheered with exaltation throughout this heartwarming film. The Peanut Butter Falcon went on to show in select theaters across the country. You can now watch it at home and celebrate the advocacy these types of movies bring to the national forefront. Click below to learn more about this feel-good movie for the whole family.
