The Quad Manhattan-Downtown

The Quad Manhattan is a meeting place that supports special needs children with after school groups focusing on social-emotional skills. Weekly communication and progress reports are given to parents along with activities to practice at home with their children. Group size is small with only 6 to 8 children and two trained staff members. Kids have fun learning new skills in an all-inclusive environment. One on One is also available. Build on the child’s strengths with a click down below.

Stay Focused-Scuba Diving-Midtown

adaptive scuba diving lessons stay

Adaptive Scuba Diving Lessons can be some of the most rewarding classes you ever take in your life. Swimming with the fish underwater can educate you in ways you never thought possible. Being able to see first hand what life is like down below can be a very exhilarating encounter, to say the least.

Since 2003 the Stay Focused Organization located in Midtown has been teaching people like yourself how to scuba dive. Because of their expertise in the field, the Stay Focused Org. in an exceptional place to learn. They will patiently teach you the skills you need to take the plunge underwater. Through the program, you can earn scuba certification as a teen or young adult with disabilities.

As a result, Stay Focused adaptive scuba diving lessons act as a tool for gaining confidence, leadership, and independence. Once you complete the program, you have the option to accompany quality trained instructors on a trip to the Cayman Islands.

Chiefly, classes are generally best suited for ages 13-21 with more details on the candidate assessment page.

So not only can you learn a new skill but also develop life long friendships with just a click below. Oh by the way, if you see Ariel, the little mermaid, tell her I said hello!


Have you been to a Broadway show lately? Check out these places

ZCO/Dance Project- Financial District

adaptive dance zco/dance project

Adaptive Dance is something ZCO ( Zazel-Chavah O’Garra) has been passionate about for years. In light of suffering a debilitating circumstance in 2003, O’Garra was paralyzed on one side. During that time she learned adaptive dance as a way to help her cope mentally and heal her own body. After experiencing the benefits of dance first-hand in her rehabilitation she knew she must create an All-Inclusive Dance Company.

It was then that the ZCO/Dance Project was born. With her own story in mind, ZCO has made it her mission to serve those with physical and cognitive impairments. Adaptive Dance gives those individuals another way to express themselves through motion and therapeutic movement. Although some students may be wheel-chair bound, there is no stopping them from joining the class. ZCO dance primarily does Contemporary Performance routines. These routines are adjusted with supports so that all participants are engaged.

As a result, dancers at the Project gain self-confidence, independence, and a sense of accomplishment by the end of the semester. Ages 5-18. One on one or group sessions available. Time to step ball change with a click down below.

Have you seen tuned into these TV programs yet? They all have characters that have disabilities. Check them out here.

Broadway Sings For Autism

Join QSAC-(Quality Services Autism Center) today and watch Five exceptional Broadway Performers sing for Autism. Although normally performed in front of a live studio audience they decided to not let Covid-19 stand in way of raising money for this important cause. The one day only event is filmed at the Green Room 42 in Manhattan and can be watched on youtube. All proceeds will benefit the Autism Community at QSAC. Thank you, Broadway and QSAC we appreciate you both!

Sing your heart out down below.

Roaring Epiphany Production Company-Midtown

Inclusive Acting Roaring Epiphany Production Company

Inclusive Acting and Audition opportunities are somewhat lacking in New York City. Honestly, let me be real. They are lacking everywhere. However, NYC is a great place to start breaking through theater barriers.

Through our good fortune, RJ VerChuad decided to take the bull by the horns to try and fill some of the gaps. Back in 2015, he founded The Roaring Epiphany Production Company, (REPC). For the sole purpose of bringing inclusion acting to the forefront, REPC began casting ADULTS with disabilities in theatrical roles.

At the present time, productions of new and old works are performed at The Playroom Theater. REPC members get the chance to work alongside Broadway and off-Broadway actors. Generally, Adults 18+ with disabilities can audition to take the stage as actors, singers, dancers, and poets just to name a few options. Individuals in wheelchairs can easily apply and audition because the Playroom Theater is accessible for ALL.

Due to Roaring Epiphany’s diligence, Inclusive Acting is here to stay in New York City. We certainly hope that other cities take notice and start their own organizations to promote actors of ALL abilities. Your Opening Night awaits. Click Below.

Hey have you gone to a great restaurant lately ? You might want to check these out.

Reel Abilities Film Festival-Upper West Side

disability film festival reel abilities

A Disability Film Festival had never been done before until The Reel Abilities Festival came along in 2007. In the spirit of diversity and inclusion Reel Abilities’ goal has always been to bring attention to the lives of people with disabilities. By showing these fascinating films it is the hope that more people became aware of both of the struggles and successes of individuals who have various impairments. Entries to the festival can be either made by or have someone with a disability as a subject matter.

With this intention of acceptance, it comes as no surprise that a Disability Film Festival with such substance would take place at The Marlene Mayerson Jewish Community Center. Also known as the JCC-Manhattan, this location has served as a perfect backdrop for such a dynamic event every year.

Given that the event has grown immensely over the years, the festival has now expanded to an international program. In fact, Reel Abilities is the largest festival of it’s kind anywhere in the world. Certainly, you don’t miss this week-long event! So Sign Up on the email list. As soon as you do that you’ll be the first to know all the upcoming details. Heck, maybe you want to submit a film?

Ready and Action- Take One with a click down below.

Want to submit a film?

Just out of curiosity have you thought about taking an acting class?

CO-LAB Theater Group-Chelsea

drama class co/lab theater

Have you ever been lucky enough to take an adaptive drama class? If you haven’t, now might be the time. In my experience, acting a part can be quite exhilarating. There is just something about being on stage that gives me such a thrill. Also, you usually form a special bond with the other people in the play or performance. Everyone is working together to create the best show possible and that makes it really incredible.

We are fortunate to have the CO/LAB Theater Group for this very purpose. CO/LAB stands for- Creative Opportunities without Limits and Boundaries. Sounds right up our alley, right?

Since 2011, this creative and social group has been teaching adaptive drama classes in Chelsea, Manhattan. Every individual gets a chance to shine by performing on stage/class in a non-judgment zone of acceptance and understanding. As a result, the environment cultivates friendships, confidence, and teamwork by working together as an ensemble. Participation is FREE. Yes, FREE. In addition, family and friends are invited to come and see the finished show performance at the end of the semester. Generally, Ages 9+ are welcome to register for this amazing adaptive drama class. Act now-it’s fun to pretend to be someone else every now and then – click down below.

Do you have a friend that is in a wheelchair? Check out this cool blog that has a list of happening places that are accessible.

Gigi’s Playhouse NYC-Harlem

support for those with down syndrome gigi's playhouse nyc

Are you one of the lucky few that has an extra chromosome? Let me first just say ” You Are Down Right, Awesome !” ” We love our homies with extra chromies in NYC!” Case and point, a dedicated mom made sure that a Gigi’s Playhouse set up shop here in Manhattan to support you. Gigi’s Playhouse is a Down Syndrome Achievement Center that has locations all over the world. Let me repeat. Achievement Center. That means they know You Can Do Big Things!

Our NYC Playhouse opened in 2012 in lower West Harlem. This clean and well-maintained center serves many purposes. Families can congregate and get to know one another. Ummm, Can we say instant friends? Yes, Please. Gigi’s Playhouse also provides services such as one on one tutoring in math and literacy. The best part is they are tailored to your unique learning style. Caring, and experienced mentors let you have a voice in learning and empower you to succeed. Oh and Get This-once a month they have an Epic Teentastic Dance Party. Request Songs and Get your Groove On with New and Old Friends who also have Down Syndrome. For those that are into taking care of themselves, ( I know I am) there is Gigi Fit, an exercise curriculum done as a group. Remember you are always just one workout away from a good mood.

Acceptance paired with lots of other FREE purposeful programming is one of the many reasons you will turn to this Playhouse for your needs.

Did you know that Special Needs NYC has a list of some other helpful resources? See them here.

Gala to Celebrate Achievements in the NYC Down Syndrome Community

Gigi’s Playhouse NYC has announced the date for its annual gala to be held on the Rooftop of Hotel Edison. The date is October 1, 2020 6pm-10pm. Now in its 8th year, this extravaganza is an event that is looked forward to all year long. Everyone is welcome to attend this night full of festivities. Get your tickets now and have a glamorous night out to look forward to this Fall. The Future is Bright! Click Below.
