New York City Children’s Theater-Midtown

theater accommodations

From time to time it’s fun going to a Family Theater performance with the people you love most. Did you know that the New York Children’s Theater offers a sensory-friendly performance for ALL of their main stage productions? Let me repeat that last part again, sensory-friendly performance for ALL of the main stage productions. No way. Yes, way. Isn’t that fantastic? At the same time, they even have Autism Specialists on-site ready to provide supports if needed during the show. In other words, if you need help they are there for you.

Also no need to worry if you or someone else in the family needs to take a break. Conveniently, patrons are allowed to come and go during the performance with no problem. Just wait until you hear this part. As you know, generally speaking, it’s a must to be quiet in the theater right? Not here, my friend. Instead, New York City Children’s Family Theater states noise, and talking are permitted. Perhaps I read their website all wrong? It almost seems too good to be true. Something tells me you better see for yourself! Enter stage left down below.

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New Victory Theater- Midtown

inclusivity and accessibility new victory theater

Inclusivity and Accessibility are big parts of the mission of the New Victory Theater. In order to facilitate that mission, NVT has taken profound steps to ensure Theater Shows are available to ALL families. For example, there are no stairs on the Orchestra Level explicitly providing accommodations for wheelchair-bound patrons. Furthermore, lifts are also in the building to get wheelchairs up to higher levels.

To emphasize their commitment to inclusivity and accessibility NVT offers a whole host of other accommodations. Particularly of interest might be their audio described devices. These unique devices provide necessary details in between the actions of the actors. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted or confused and these are there to help you stay focused.

Chiefly, those on the autism spectrum can also enjoy sensory-friendly performances throughout the year. In addition, sign language interpretation is also available at certain shows. In any event, I would call and talk to them directly to find out any necessary details or ask any other questions you may have. You can call them at 646- 223-3010. As always be sure to give plenty of notice to the theater if you have any specific needs. Look behind the curtain below.

Have you printed the Special Needs NYC Calendar out yet? Do so here.

Theater Development Fund

Theater Access-Theater Development Fund

Theater Access is the main mission for the Theater Development Fund. Since it’s founding in 1968, the TDF non-profit organization has strived to make Broadway shows a reality for all. Usually, due to financial limitations or disabilities, some families are unable to attend NYC theater productions. Because of the organization’s diligence in the area of accessibility, over 900 plays and musicals have been seen so far. As a result, TDF has grown to be the largest national non-profit for the performing arts industry.

Specifically, TDF has done exceptional work in theater access with regard to Autism. For example, shows have been made sensory-friendly. This is done by simply adjusting the lighting and lowering loud sounds. Such a simple tweak can make a huge difference. Additionally, children who need to take a break during the show are welcome to at any time. Families are able to download pictures and narratives from the show before they attend. In this case, the downloads assist in soothing the children before and during the performance. Given these points, I can’t help but express my immense gratitude for this amazing organization. Join me in tipping your hat to Theater Development Fund. Until we meet again, join their mailing list down below. You won’t want to miss any upcoming shows!

Has your school or workplace done a Disability Awareness Day before? Time to do another one if not. Check out all the FREE materials here.

Super Soccer Stars-Shine Program

adaptive soccer sports and exercise special needs nyc

Have you ever played Adaptive Soccer? In the first place, why not? Second, were there lots of other kids similar to you there? Either way, you need to know about an awesome multi-state program called” Shine Shadows .” Together with Super Soccer Stars, they help each player by breaking down the components of soccer into simple parts. With this hands-on approach, the player gets to learn all the moves of Adaptive Soccer and still be included as part of the team.

If you haven’t ever been part of a team thus far, I highly recommend it. While you are getting your heart rate up-always a plus, you are able to make lots of new friends. With exercise, social interaction, and developmental skills being some of the benefits you can’t go wrong with adaptive soccer.

Overall the whole “Shine Shadows” program provides a rewarding experience for people with disabilities. Furthermore, it’s a non-competitive environment where everybody WINS and no one leaves disappointed. All ages and abilities welcome. YOU can even create your own class. Let’s Kick it.

When is the last time you listened to song Imagine by John Lennon? Don’t remember how it goes. That’s okay I’ve got the lyrics for you.

Kicking the Spectrum-Location varies-Manhattan

adaptive karate kicking the spectrum special needs nyc

Adaptive Karate can be useful in building your confidence. Kicking the Spectrum offers flexible martial arts classes for Groups of 2 on up past 11. That means you could even get a few friends together and they will do a private group class just for you guys. How fun would that be? Always fun to do a cool activity with friends. Additionally, Kicking the Spectrum caters to your schedule and your student’s needs. Just in case Mom is reading.

Oh My, that just gave me a brilliant idea. Suppose you do Adaptive Karate at your Birthday Party? Definitely something different. I like things different. Of course, some of you may prefer more of a one on one situation. Totally fine. Private Lessons are available. Again, they will work with your schedule and tailor it to your personal needs.

Let’s talk about the group classes they already have in line. Surely you enjoy meeting new people as much as I do? Not sure which class is right for you. For the purpose of finding the right placement Kicking the Spectrum allows a free trial class. You can see how you feel about the whole thing at that time. Another positive point to make is that a behavior therapist co-teaches each class. Occasionally you might feel a little jittery or scared so they can help you manage those emotions. It sounds to me that adaptive karate is worth a try. It’s no wonder why everyone was Kung Fu fighting.

Have you read the Latest News in Manhattan yet? Better check here.

Swim Jim-Upper East Side

adaptive swimming swim jim special needs nyc

Adaptive Swimming can actually save your Special Needs child’s life. “Every child should know how to swim,” says Swim Jim and for this reason, they start lessons with babies. Although that may sound a little young, think about how fast babies can crawl. To illustrate how quickly situations can turn scary think about this scenario. Suppose you are at a backyard pool party. Everyone is having a fun time talking and laughing. Suddenly without anyone noticing a baby crawls towards the pool and falls in the water. You can’t jump in and save the baby if you don’t know how to swim. In this case, knowing how to swim not only benefits the baby but also yourself. If you haven’t taken an adaptive swimming class because you are afraid of the water this season is the time to take action.

Together with Swim Jim, you will gain confidence in and around the water. With a very low student to teacher ratio students of all abilities can benefit from these lessons. In spite of it being too cold outside their pool is indoor and heated. As a result, swim instruction is given all year long. Tell Aeriel Hello and Dive right in below.



Did you know there are some TV shows that have some characters with disabilities in them? Check it out.

PianoPlus-Upper East Side

Music Classes Special Needs NYC piano plus

Music Lessons are a very good way for Special Needs individuals to create and enrich their own lives. Usually, the best place to start is to find the right environment. Obviously the owners, David and Helene Herman who are also the teachers at Piano Plus knew this was an important factor. Typically one must feel comfortable in order to learn.

With this in mind, the Hermans realized that their apartment would be the best place to conduct Music Lessons. In effect, this warm cozy Manhattan setting has served its purpose successfully. As there is a separate room for lessons and in the meantime whoever is waiting can sit on the couch.

Notably, The Hermans both have master’s degrees in Music Therapy. For this reason, they are able to provide a multi-sensory approach to musical instruction. By and large, you can let go of your fears and worries, and know you are in good hands. Piano Plus Classes are tailored to all ages and abilities. Simply just a matter of choosing what song or instrument you want to learn play. Given that information, they will do the rest. What are you waiting for? Click and Learn the tempo below.

Have you read any good books lately? Great ideas for you or friends here.

Nordoff-Robbins Center for Music Therapy at New York University-Greenwich Village

Nordoff- Robbins Center for Music Therapy Special Needs NYC

Music therapy has nothing but benefits for the Special Needs Community. “Where Words Fail Music Speaks ” is true on so many levels. For instance how many times has a song conveyed how you feel about your crush? What about those days when you are feeling sad and can’t explain it? Music comes instantly to the rescue. Also like some of you, I have friends that are unable to use words at all. Similarly, music therapy provides a way to share how they are feeling too.

Presently here in Manhattan, there is a place called the Nordoff-Robbins Music Center for Music Therapy at New York University. New York University? Yes. Wouldn’t that be cool to say “gotta run, I have to get to NYU”? Couple that with the fact that you would be working with specialized instructors. You have got yourself an exciting new activity. Furthermore, they work with individuals with all sorts of disabilities. So no worries there. Luckily for us , the center prides itself on offering music resources to all. Because they been doing this a while, they have a lot of expertise. To demonstrate, research is even conducted on-site to show how beneficial music can be as a therapy tool. Just figure out what instrument you want to learn and poof- The hills are alive with music! Falalala….Follow the link.

Have you looked at the Special Needs NYC Calendar yet? Better look and Print it Out!

The Metropolitan Museum of Art-Upper East Side

"Make the Met Yours"-The Metropolitan Museum of Art

“Make the Met Yours” is a quote from This World Renown Art Museum

When is the last time you have visited The Metropolitan Museum Art? Quite frankly I don’t go as much as I should either. We both need to go more often. With exhibitions changing frequently, there is no excuse to not make it a regular habit. Equally important The Met has the philosophy of “Make the Met Yours”. To explain further that means that they are dedicated to making the museum ACCESSIBLE to all. As a matter of fact, that is probably one of the many reasons it has been around over 150 Years!

The MET has an entire department that is able to assist you in planning your visit. You can call the ACCESS Program at 212-650-2010 and talk with someone directly about any services or classes you might be interested in. Furthermore, they welcome any feedback or ideas you want to give them on ways they can improve. The Met must be after my heart because I find this to be truly exceptional customer service.

When you decide to go be sure to check out their autism resources page with wonderful social narratives you can review before your visit. Don’t have a printer? Certainly, the museum can a have copy waiting for you when you attend. In this case, be sure you call 212-651-2010 and set everything up beforehand. With a little notice, you can as they say “Make the Met Yours”. Ongoing programs/group tours are available throughout the year. Explore all the possibilities here. Not to mention this is all FREE?! Yeah, that’s right! FREE!

Have you thought about where you might want to have your Birthday Party this year ? Here are some ideas!


times square

These are a few of the movies that I have seen that really have had an impact on me. Each offers an inside look as to what it is like to be a person with a disability. My wish is to spread the word on these films so others will be more educated on this population.

This first movie I showed to the entire school body at a jr.high in Galveston, Texas. The movie was part of the school district’s first-ever Disability Awareness Day. More about that in another section of the site. First, let me tell you a little about Mary Temple Grandin. She has autism and is one of the first people that shared her personal journey with the neurodevelopmental disorder. She currently is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University and an Autism spokesperson. If you would like to learn more about her and see the movie you can do so below.

In 2017 I decided to check out the Tribeca Film Festival for the first time. I bought a day pass in a rush and really didn’t read the details on the movies included. I found out about midway through the day that I was right where I was supposed to be. The movie shown was Keep the Change. The best way to describe it is as a touching authentic love story about two people on the Autism Spectrum. To my knowledge, this has never been done before on screen. To make things even better there was a Q and A with the director, Rachel Isreal following the showing. The entire cast were all sitting in the front row and couldn’t have been glowing more. As they took to the stage for questions it was obvious that this was their moment and they were rightfully taking it. You see Isreal had chosen and modeled the characters after real people with intellectual disabilities living here in New York City. She had them involved in every step of the process and I have a huge amount of admiration for Isreal bringing this type of romantic comedy to our attention. I have not stopped talking about the film since and I don’t think you will be able to either. ) If you still need more convincing read the article below and then click the link for where to watch. (Please note that the film is NR but if I were to rate it I would say it’s PG-13)

Now for the big hit of 2019. The Peanut Butter Falcon. The adventure begins when Zak, a 24-year-old with Down syndrome decides he is escaping the facility he has been assigned to live in by the state. Debut directors Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz were curious for feedback from the Down syndrome community so they collaborated with Gigi’s Playhouse Center to get together an invite list for the first screening here in NYC. The audience laughed, cried, and cheered with exaltation throughout this heartwarming film. The Peanut Butter Falcon went on to show in select theaters across the country. You can now watch it at home and celebrate the advocacy these types of movies bring to the national forefront. Click below to learn more about this feel-good movie for the whole family.
